We are committed to offering the finest products and most complete Metrology services to our Customer’s. We have partnered with a number of Manufacturers of High Precision Measurement instruments and equipment, allowing us to supply you with a wide range of trusted name brand products. To the right you can see some of the more popular brands we sell. Please note, we are not limited to this list. Contact us for any of your calibration and metrology sales and service need’s. We’re here to help!
Linear Measuring Systemswww.proscale.com
Adam Equipment: Scales and Balanceshttps://adamequipment.com
Fowler Baty: Optical and Vision Systems https://fowlerprecision.com/collections/optical-comparator
Fowler Bowers: Bore Gages and Hole Micshttps://fowlerprecision.com/collections/bore-gages
CDI Torque Products: Torque Wrenches and Torque Testerswww.cditorque.com
Checkline: Precision instruments for Quality Control. Multiple name Brands all in one place. Torque, Force Gages & test stands, Thickness, Tachometer, durometer, gloss…www.checkline.com
Fluke: Electronic Test, Measurement, Monitoring and Calibration Instrumentswww.fluke.com
Fowler: Precision Metrology Instruments and Equipmenthttps://fowlerprecision.com
Optical Technologies Company www.jenoptik.com
Force, Torque, Material Testershttps://jlwforce.com
Mitutoyo: Precision Metrology Instruments and Equipmentwww.mitutoyo.com
Precision Granite USA: Surface Plates, stands and other Granite products.www.precisiongraniteusa.com
Renishaw: CMM probes and styluswww.renishaw.com/shop/default/home/styli
Rice Lake: Scales, Balances & Weightswww.ricelake.com
Starrett: Precision Metrology Instruments and Equipmentwww.starrett.com
Sun-Tec: Hardness Tester test blocks and accessorieshttps://sunteccorp.com/category/hardness-standard-test-blocks
Fowler Sylvac: Precision Metrology Instruments and Equipmentwww.sylvac.ch
Brown & Sharpe has integrated into Tesa Tech., part of Hexagon Metrology Precision Metrology Instrumentshttps://tesatechnology.com
Precision Metrology Instruments and Equipmentwww.trimos.com
Visual Precision: Optical Standards and Screen for Optical Comparatorswww.vpcharts.com
Hard Gage Sales
Sun-Tec: Hardness Tester test blocks and accessorieswww.vermontgage.com
www.meyergage.com www.sylvac.ch
https://hemcogages.com https://tesatechnology.com
https://hemcogages.com www.vankeuren.com